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Application already configured for the IT Governance management, ITIL compliant

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Application already configured for the Property and Facility Management and Maintenance Processes


All news about the CMDBuild project

Release 1.3 23 December 2010

We've released the 1.3 version of CMDBuild, which includes GIS and other various improvements.

This version includes the following new features:

  • Asset geo-reference (GIS), both on local plans and maps, with the possibility of loading background elements (vector and raster) and editing geometric elements (points, open and closed polygons) associated with each card.
  • Storage (without "superclass", "domains" or "history" informations) of intensive data streams coming from other systems; this new feature is useful, for instance, to record electricity consumption, alert notifications, server access logs, etc. (simulations performed with millions of rows)
  • New workflow "tool", able to query a generic webservice: it's possible to query an external ws from within a cmdbuild process (already tested with SAP workflow)
  • Two new data types: "IP address" and "Time"
  • Tabs layout: it's possible to group card data in tabs to improve readability
  • Extensive refactoring of the PostgreSQL interface layer to simplify triggers

Please note that we're working to update the manuals to version 1.3 and, as soon as possible, we'll publish them online.