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Application already configured for the IT Governance management, ITIL compliant

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Application already configured for the Property and Facility Management and Maintenance Processes

Testimonianze e Case History

L'opinione di alcuni utilizzatori di CMDBuild, CMDBuild READY2USE e openMAINT

HSPI – FER (Italy)

HSPI is an Italian Consultancy Company specialized in the IT process management. During the CMDBuild DAY 2016 Mr. Elia Gentilucci, consultant at HSPI, describes the adoption of CMDBuild at FER, Ferrovie Emilia Romagna. FER is the Company who manages railways in the Italian region Emilia Romagna, for both passenger and freight transportation.

FER has chosen CMDBuild in order to be able to control the Company's IT assets, both hardware and software, to define a model with assets and the relations, to be able to evaluate different scenarios in case of assets failure, migration or disposal, to be able to define parameters, terms and metrics for contracts and suppliers.

CMDBuild has been selected because it is open source, it is based on ITIL best practices, it is web-based, it can be implemented gradually, it can be integrated with external sources and databases, it allows to implement an architectural model in complete autonomy. All these were characteristics needed to the Company to develop their own model and be able to completely control their assets.

In 2014 started the pilot project to manage the IT assets; then after the success of the first implementation the scope was extended to Mobile Devices and SIMs, and in 2015 to CTC (Centralized Traffic Control) and PIS (Passenger Information System) assets.

The pilot project was divided in three work packages: the first was about setting up the requirements, the second was about the design, implementation and releases, the third was about writing the documentation and training the users.

Using CMDBuild allowed FER to reach the desired outcome and be able to manage a set of information about the assets, information about the fleet and the configuration model with the links between applications, logical components and servers (virtual and physical), plus dedicated reports for network devices and internet connections.

As mentioned, due to the success of the pilot project, FER decided to extend the scope of their implementation of CMDBuild to other assets such as Mobile Devices and SIMs, with the purpose of rationalizing assignment and monitoring of asset utilization, organizing set of forms for asset assignment, checking supplier activities and monitoring contracts.

CMDBuild allowed FER to reach the desired outcomes with a precise control of Mobile Device lifecycle, the monitoring of SIMs utilization, technical and contractual data.

FER invested in an innovation project creating a Centralized Traffic Control System, with the aim of centralizing traffic commands and control and creating a People Information System that serves all train stops and stations. The complexity of the process and the high number of assets suggested the use of CMDBuild. Since 2015 the tool was used to register and track every asset, to manage assets lifecycle and to lay the foundation for assets monitoring and maintenance.

The desired outcomes have been achieved by successfully tracking good orders and entities, answering the need of managing composite assets, producing reports to group assets by railway line, stations and manufacturing purposes.

Nowadays FER is taking into account some evolutions of the use of CMDBuild, with the purpose of integrating the content management with Alfresco and extending the use of CMDBuild with the Service Desk function.

See the complete speech of Mr. Elia Gentilucci at CMDBuild DAY 2016

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