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Application already configured for the IT Governance management, ITIL compliant

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Application already configured for the Property and Facility Management and Maintenance Processes

Testimonianze e Case History

L'opinione di alcuni utilizzatori di CMDBuild, CMDBuild READY2USE e openMAINT

MAX Solutions (Australia)

MAX Solutions is an Australian organization that provides employment, health and training services in more than 250 locations around Australia. Since opening in 2002, MAX Solutions has offered proven solutions to support individuals, business and the Australian Government achieve outcomes that benefit the community. MAX Solutions is an industry leader focused on innovation for improved performance and results.

Mr. Stephen McCarthy, General Manager of the Information Technology Department, during the CMDBuild DAY 2016 speaks about their project implementation with CMDBuild.

Our Organization had already in place a Financial Asset Management, an Incident Management System for the service desk and also all our assets were tracked in a SharePoint system. But, in addition to this, we needed to have a Life-Cycle Management for all our assets, from getting a quote for a product, through all the movements in the Company (shipping, installation, upgrades, repairs, storage, etc.) until its disposal; the asset movement control is something really important for us, so we were looking for one system for IT management and control.

Concerning our Company’s activities, in the last period we expanded a lot our operations, in the last 20 months we have installed and built more than 100 locations, we moved, shipped and tracked about 14000 items, and all this in a very large geographic area, Australia, which includes also many remote area (for example it can take 2 days just to get to the site). So, with so many items and so wide distances, you really need to have the right thing in the right place at the right time; management of assets control is very critical for our operations, and our environment is also very dynamic, in terms of user, site requirements and of quick reaction expected.

We have chosen the CMDBuild solution for several reasons: it is a comprehensive solution, which covered all our requirements for asset management, presented options for possible future integrations (like Incident Management, Change Management, etc.) and had integration with Active Directory; it allows a gradual approach, our workload determined that a gradual approach would be the way we could succeed, and has a low cost entry point, important for budget reasons and for receiving approval from the Organization. An interesting challenge was the fact that we are a “Microsoft Shop”, with no Open Source or Linux in house skills; Tecnoteca provided us a VM with everything installed and then we also took a contract of support agreement, receiving excellent support and help. We converted the VM to Hyper V and then we focused on just the asset systems: we created the model to suit our needs, then we decided that the Incident Management workflow would be very beneficial if integrated; we signed up for support and purchased some Tecnoteca pay-per-use hours for receiving custom and professional assistance and getting things going faster.

After some time CMDBuild READY2USE enters the scene, and I wish we could have had this since the beginning, since the READY2USE has a better overall model that the one we had created, but anyhow not too dissimilar. Tecnoteca merged our data model with the model in READY2USE, then purchased some more professional service hours for some customizations as redefinition of the model to perfectly match our needs, as modification to suite our business model, as configuration changes to support our IRAP Security Requirements. IRAP is a security regime implemented by the Australian Commonwealth Government that we have to comply to, and the Asset Control and Asset Management System was a key component of that security requirement. CMDBuild is fitting very well into that and now it became also an audited application.

All purchases now go through CMDBuild, it manages every piece of IT equipment (as rough estimate we have about 4000 PCs, 600 laptops, 4-500 printers, +200 buildings and each building has a rack of equipment), the Incident Management partially cut over from the existing system, then we are checking how to use Web Services between SharePoint and CMDBuild for end users, and testing the use of separate Jasper Reports Server for online dynamic reporting.

We have still several activities in our “to-do” list; CMDBuild basically is and will be our ERP for IT, where key elements are efficiency, automation and integration.

See the complete speech of Stephen McCarthy, General Manager of the Information Technology Department, at CMDBuild DAY 2016.

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