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Webinars, meeting and conventions about the CMDBuild project

Webinar: CMDBuild 3.4.1 version


27 October 2022


from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM

Webinar: CMDBuild 3.4.1 version

Webinar: presentation of the CMDBuild 3.4.1 new version

Webinar: CMDBuild 3.4.1 version


27 October 2022


from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM

During the webinar Tecnoteca experts presents the main new features of CMDBuild 3.4.1 version:

  • improvements to email management;
  • improvements to views from join creation;
  • new attributes filter mask;
  • new data grids features;
  • new configuration page for application logs retention criteria;
  • new wizard to manage tasks cron;
  • configurations to manage QRCode and RFID in CMDBuild mobile APP;
  • implementation of Modern Authentication by Microsoft and OAuth2 by Google for email accounts;
  • other minor features and improvements.

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