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CMDBuild version 2.3.1 30 April 2015

April 30, 2015 - Released CMDBuild version 2.3.1

The 2.3.1 version includes:

  • complete revision of the mail management system:
  1. activation in data cards and workflow cards of a new “Email” TAB, which now groups all the mail management features
  2. option to send emails – with or without template – not only during the workflow, but also from a data card
  3. option to send emails immediately or with a desired delay
  4. automatic regeneration of emails based on a template
  5. introduction of a new component queuing the outgoing emails, with more control of errors in sending the emails
  6. option to save in a specific folders the sent emails
  • option to select the subclasses where you want to deactivate a domain defined on a superclass
  • refactoring of the second-level localization system (names of classes, attributes, etc), now also available in the SOAP and REST web service methods
  • improvement of  the workflow API's in order to allow the suspension and the restart of a process
  • option to save directly a CSV report as text file
  • new APIs to manage in the workflow the attachments stored in the DMS (creating, displaying, updating, deleting, moving, copying)
  • new version of the REST webservice with new features that manage reports, workflow widgets, second-level localization
  • bug fixing
  • For the complete list of changes please refer to the changelog