4 ottobre 2016 - online

Edizioni precedenti: Roma 2014 | Bologna 2012 | Udine 2010
Obiettivo dell'incontro biennale è condividere le esperienze fatte finora dai diversi soggetti che hanno partecipato alla nascita ed alla successiva evoluzione del sistema CMDBuild®, adottato oramai da numerose organizzazioni in Italia e all'estero.
- CMDBuild DAY 2016 intro — Tecnoteca –
- Welcome from the CMDBuild Project Manager — Fabio Bottega – Tecnoteca (Italy)
- CMDBuild: state of the art and development plans — Tecnoteca – Tecnoteca (Italy), developer and maintainer
- ITIL System Methodology — Vincenzo Curci – Italian Republic Senato (Rome, Italy)
- CMDBuild, ITIL and Prince2 in the Chamber of Deputies — Carlo Simonelli – Chamber of Deputies (Rome, Italy)
- CMDBuild use at Deltares — Jeroen Baten – Deltares (Delft, Netherlands)
- Insource development of a System based on CMDBuild at the S.I.C.R.AL Management&Control Center — Cpt. Navy Primiano Testa and Alessandro Grillini – Stato Maggiore Difesa -Comando C4 -SICRAL
- RCS MediaGroup - Web farm CMDB adoption — Marco Mazzola – RCS MediaGroup (Milan, Italy)
- CMDBuild in Max Solutions — Stephen McCarthy – MAX Solutions (Springwood, Queensland, Australia)
- CMDBuild READY2USE — Lorenzo Grosselli – Trentino Network (Trento, Italy)
- Asset Management with CMDBuild — Paolo Sustrico – C.S.I. PIEMONTE - Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (Torino, Italy)
- Manipulating, Inspecting and visualizing the CMDBuild data module — Pavel Kraynyukhov – new WEB () LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Why CMDBuild — Gianluca Pellegrini – Nanosoft (Roncadelle (Brescia), Italy)
- CMDBuild adoption for FER — Elia Gentilucci – HSPI (Bologna, Italy)
- Interview - CMDBuild and CMDBuild READY2USE in the japanese market — Satoru Funai – OSS Laboratories (Chiba, Japan)
- Interview - openMAINT as the asset management tool for fashion retail stores — Zachary Holt – United Fashions of Texas, LLC (San Antonio, Texas, USA)
- openMAINT use case - Tanzania public institutions — Sendoro Juma – Singo Africa Limited (Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania)
- CMDBuild as a medical devices assets manager — Michael Collins – Bay Area Creative Services (Oakland, California, USA)
- CMDBuild within Tecnoteca: The Maintainer Case Study — Alessandro Pasqualini – Tecnoteca srl (Tavagnacco (Udine), Italy)
Atti del convegno
CMDBuild DAY 2016 intro
Fabio Bottega
Tecnoteca (Italy)Welcome from the CMDBuild Project Manager
Tecnoteca (Italy), developer and maintainerCMDBuild: state of the art and development plans
Vincenzo Curci
Italian Republic Senato (Rome, Italy)ITIL System Methodology
Carlo Simonelli
Chamber of Deputies (Rome, Italy)CMDBuild, ITIL and Prince2 in the Chamber of Deputies
Jeroen Baten
Deltares (Delft, Netherlands)CMDBuild use at Deltares
Cpt. Navy Primiano Testa and Alessandro Grillini
Stato Maggiore Difesa -Comando C4 -SICRALInsource development of a System based on CMDBuild at the S.I.C.R.AL Management&Control Center
Marco Mazzola
RCS MediaGroup (Milan, Italy)RCS MediaGroup - Web farm CMDB adoption
Stephen McCarthy
MAX Solutions (Springwood, Queensland, Australia)CMDBuild in Max Solutions
Lorenzo Grosselli
Trentino Network (Trento, Italy)CMDBuild READY2USE
Paolo Sustrico
C.S.I. PIEMONTE - Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (Torino, Italy)Asset Management with CMDBuild
Pavel Kraynyukhov
new WEB () LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan)Manipulating, Inspecting and visualizing the CMDBuild data module
Gianluca Pellegrini
Nanosoft (Roncadelle (Brescia), Italy)Why CMDBuild
Elia Gentilucci
HSPI (Bologna, Italy)CMDBuild adoption for FER
Satoru Funai
OSS Laboratories (Chiba, Japan)Interview - CMDBuild and CMDBuild READY2USE in the japanese market
Zachary Holt
United Fashions of Texas, LLC (San Antonio, Texas, USA)Interview - openMAINT as the asset management tool for fashion retail stores
Sendoro Juma
Singo Africa Limited (Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania)openMAINT use case - Tanzania public institutions
Michael Collins
Bay Area Creative Services (Oakland, California, USA)CMDBuild as a medical devices assets manager
Alessandro Pasqualini
Tecnoteca srl (Tavagnacco (Udine), Italy)CMDBuild within Tecnoteca: The Maintainer Case Study