Standard verticalizations


Application already configured for the IT Governance management, ITIL compliant

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Application already configured for the Property and Facility Management and Maintenance Processes


The use of standards and open formats permits applications interoperability and components reuse.

CMDBuild uses these standards:

  • XML format for reports design
  • XPDL format for workflow processes definition, according to WFMC (WorkFlow Management Coalition)
  • XML and CSLT formats for data synchronization with automatic inventory systems
  • XML format for union print through OpenOffice
  • JSON format for data exchange between client and server
  • SOAP protocol for webservice
  • WS-Security protocol for webservice authentication, defined by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)
  • JSR 168 and 286 standards for portlet publication
  • WMS protocol for map management
  • WFS protocol for vectorial feature management
  • IMAP and POP3 protocols for mail server access