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CMDBuild DAY 2020

28 October 2020 - Virtual conference
CMDBuild DAY 2020

Previous editions:   online 2018  |  online 2016Roma 2014 |  Bologna 2012 |  Udine 2010

In the 2020 edition we brought the direction and the moderation of the CMDBuild DAY in a room usually used for theatrical performances, shows and conferences. An empty space without a physical audience, which we  however populated with the contents of several speakers.

During the event we discovered the wide range of CMDBuild applications through the direct voice/experience of its users. Furthermore we shared updates on projects status and the new versions of CMDBuild 3.3, CMDBuild READY2USE 2.1, openMAINT 2.1 and the Mobile APP completely refactored.


Conference Proceedings

Michele and Francesco



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Fabio Bottega


Welcome Greetings

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Massimiliano Cassinelli


The Value of IT Governance

application/pdf Slide Cassinelli (BitMAT) — PDF document, 4.3 MB

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Elisabetta Bracci

Jump Facility

Benefits of the Adoption of Facilities Management Practices

application/pdf Slide Bracci (Jump Facility) — PDF document, 2.5 MB

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Paolo Colombo - Giuseppe Placucci

IMA Group

openMAINT for the management and maintenance of buildings and plants in the IMA Group production sites

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Tecnoteca team


CMDBuild told by its developers

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Siegfried Bergmann


Configuration Management in Galileo Ground Segments

Due to Company's policy, this presentation could only be attended "live" and the video could not be shared afterwards.

Vittorio Benintende

FCA Services Italy

A CMDB solution to support the RPA journey

application/pdf Slide Benintende (FCA) — PDF document, 1.2 MB

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A migration experience of a complex CMDBuild instance from version 2 to version 3

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Peter G.

Industrial supplies distribution company

Mapping Technology to the Business with CMDBuild

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Tecnoteca team


openMAINT told by its developers

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Riccardo Carraro - Alessio Boaretto

CAV Concessioni Autostradali Venete

CMDBuild / openMAINT for the management of inventory, monitoring and inspections of motorway infrastructure assets

application/pdf Slide Carraro Boaretto (CAV) — PDF document, 10.3 MB

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Tecnoteca team


CMDBuild READY2USE told by its developers

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Emilia-Romagna Region re-start: from the configuration management to the ITSM with CMDBuild READY2USE

application/pdf Slide Catti (Regione Emilia Romagna) — PDF document, 416.0 KB

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CMDBuild for the management of genomic sequences of microorganisms in national systems and European projects

application/pdf Slide Di Pasquale (IZSAM) — PDF document, 5.1 MB

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Audun Wangen

Hedmark IKT

A CMDBuild project implementation from scratch

application/pdf Slide Wangen (Hedmark IKT) — PDF document, 330.3 KB

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Michael Collins

Applied Science, Inc.

Designing a Service Desk - The HemoFlow Service Portal

application/pdf Slide Collins (Applied Science) — PDF document, 6.5 MB

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Alessandro Pasqualini


CMDBuild Project Recap

application/pdf Slide Pasqualini (Tecnoteca) — PDF document, 510.3 KB

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